Creating and Revising Policies at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lansing

  1. Determine whether the policy applies to GOVERNANCE or OPERATIONS. Governance policies are the responsibility of the Board of Trustees. Contact the Board if you have suggested policy or policy changes for their consideration. Operational policies are delegated to the Senior Minister by the Board of Trustees. Continue to step 2.

  2. Name the person who will take the lead in drafting/editing the policy text. This will typically be the Senior Minister or their designee.

  3. Review similar policies at other medium to large congregations and/or other relevant institutions to determine best practices in the policy area.

  4. Write/revise the text of the operational policy.

  5. Ask other staff members for input and consider their feedback.

  6. Solicit input from other key leaders as relevant (lay leadership, specific ministries, the congregation as a whole, etc.) and consider their feedback.

  7. Request final approval for the policy from the Senior Minister and mark the creation/revision date at the end of the policy document.

  8. Distribute the approved policy to the Board of Trustees, church staff, and key leaders who were consulted in the policy formulation process.

  9. Review the policy at least biennially. (Return to step 2.)


April 21, 2022 Procedure created by Rev. Neal T. Anderson, Senior Minister


Spring/Summer 2022 Splinters


February 2022 Splinters